Was the most well-known thing about Cleopatra? First of all her talent of seduction men. And to be attractive to men being thin is not the main thing, the main thing is to be sexual and the desire, which shrouds the woman like the aroma of a good perfume... And all this comes form the inside.
But there is a thing that can clean up your organism and the organism of your partner by putting inside them only “needed” food. And the special system is going to help you to do it.
Following it you will become thiner. And the best thing about it is that inside of there will wake up a huge sexual potential and you will have more and more power to make new love exploits!
The connection of the food that we eat and our sexual energy is very and very straight. Because the hormonal balance and the general energetic level depends on what we eat.
You have to put into your ration more vegetables and dishes with them. Eat the seasonal vegetables with garlic,with greens, onions, peppers and olive oil.
Cold vegetable soups are very good for your health. Also you can eat a lot of nuts, berries and fruits.
You should eat less bread and bakery. Just for not very long you should say :”NO!” to porridge and potatoes. You should also forget about meat and about alcohol. And no caffeine!
You should part your food to 5-6 times and drink before and after you eat.
The main aim of this diet is that you will clean your organism and all the fats that were inside because of all the junky food that you ate. And all this fat was a problem for you in your sexual life.
A woman that is not confident in your body never can be relaxes on 100%. It is a fact. You start thinking of the best way of getting up or turning around. I know it myself. It is a big problem and this is why I am making this site.
You should eat more sea food. They are true aphrodisiacs. They have easy adapting mineral salts. They also have a lot of biological active substances.
But no more theory! Here is the right diet for everyday for those who want to risen up their sexual life.
You should start your day with a glass of warm water with some lemon juice in it. After 30 minutes you should eat one fresh fruit and drink a glass of fresh made juice. And only after that you can start your breakfast. You can have some oatmeal with low fat milk or better with no fat milk and with fresh fruits. Oatmeal makes your libido go higher.
Some times on the week you can eat on breakfast some eggs. Eggs have in them the vitamins: E, A, B1, B6 and minerals that can help you making copulate hormones. Also there is a lot of vitamin B6 in spinach, pears, potatoes, milk and fish.
You can have a little bit of bread and for a drink you can have a glass of green tea.
For lunch you can have a snack with a yogurt or fresh vegetables or a glass of tomato juice.
Also it is very good of you eat a salad of fresh vegetables, soup, meagre meat, fish, bird or seafood.
For a snack you can have some fresh fruits, nuts.
A salad out of season vegetables, fish, peas, corn or rice – this is what it is better to have for your dinner.
Before going to bed you should drink non fat milk and eat a vegetable.
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